Murphy's Laws on Computer Science and Programming

This article has nothing to do with Online Marketing nor is it serious, but my geekism is very powerful so I bring you a few Murphy's Laws of Computer Science and Programming to spend at least 2 pleasant minutes 🙂

1- Projects with fuzzy objectives do well to avoid the compromise of having to estimate costs.

2- An inaccurately planned project takes three times longer to complete than expected, a carefully planned project takes twice as long as planned.

3- The effort required to correct the course of a project increases geometrically as a function of elapsed time.

4- Project teams hate making weekly reports on project progress because they clearly suffer from a lack of progress.

5- Any program, when it works, is obsolete.

6- All programs cost more and take longer than expected.

7- If a program is useful, they will make you change it.

8- If a program is useless, they will make you document it.

9- The complexity of a program grows until it exceeds the capacity of the programmer who has to maintain it.

10- Adding more labor to a software project that is behind schedule makes it even more delayed.

What would be Murphy's laws on social media?

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