What's new in Google AdWords Editor Version 12.5
Today I want to share with you some of the news of Google AdWords Editor, if you have version 12.5 you will find the following updates on the platform.
1) More text in expandable ads: Now a third header and a second description can be added, each description has a 90 character limit.
2) New description for dynamic search ads: Now it is possible to add a second description line, the two fields for descriptions have a 90 character limit as well.
3) Longer descriptions by call target ads: In this type of ad, the limit in the description field was increased to 90 characters.
4) New custom rule: Sitelinks without description. Sitelink extensions with descriptions can improve your CTR, this custom rule will warn you if you try to add or edit elements in the sitelink feed that do not have a text description associated with them.
Have you already tried Google AdWords Editor updates? What do you think?