3 tips to boost your brand

A few years ago, brands relied on the mass media to communicate with their audiences. However, today any business has the ability to interact with its audience thanks to the power of social media. It is thanks to these platforms that today it is easier to consume and produce content as a large company would. For this reason, the video format has become so popular among users, since well executed, it is an element that allows to tell a story in an attractive way. 

It is in this way that the large market leading companies have turned a large part of their marketing budgets to advertise on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, which has put them to compete with other players who previously did not have access to mass communications. 

That is why now almost all brands in general, instead of betting on a single platform, have decentralized and communicate with their users through multiple channels. 

Here are 3 tips so that you can better communicate with your audience and enhance your brand:

  1. Create content for mobile devices

Based on Facebook statistics, 95% of users of this social network enter from their mobile phones and these users consume approximately 100 million hours of video per day. If we take into account that this social network alone has 2.5 billion users, the final number would not seem like an important metric. However, what is striking about this dimension is that the amount of video consumed by users is on the rise. 

Beyond these figures, it is necessary for any brand to be where the attention is. Although platforms such as TikTok are growing, a large number of your users are on Facebook and Instagram where all content should be designed for mobile devices. 

With this in mind, many companies are already betting on creating videos, although it is estimated that almost half of the content produced does not show the image of the brand until after 3 seconds of playback. This factor is very important, especially when a company is looking to generate the remembrance of its image. 

That said, I recommend you focus your content and think about it so that it is seen on mobile devices, since it is estimated that the recall rate of an advertisement is higher when it is seen on a phone than when it is shown on television. 

  1. Evaluate the formats and locations where your ads are displayed

Although the Facebook ad platform currently offers a large number of locations and formats where your brand could appear, I recommend that you define in advance and depending on your strategy where you want your ad to be displayed so that you can optimize your budget. For this I recommend using the publications in the Feed and stories on both Instagram and Facebook. The other locations are at your discretion, although in many cases it may not be advisable to leave them all open if your budget is very limited. 

Similarly, the use of automatic locations or optimized locations allows the platform to dispose of your investment based on the parameters of its artificial intelligence. However, I recommend that you have as much control as possible of your campaigns so that you better learn how your audiences behave. 

Regarding the formats, it is always ideal that you have the one that gives you the best results. For this I recommend that you try different types of pieces and let your audience decide. For this, it is essential that you follow the metrics of your publications and your ads. Keep in mind that while a video format tends to do very well, it can be more expensive to produce than an image. Take this into account so that you weigh whether the total cost of producing and promoting your ad is equivalent to the return. 

  1. Know your audience

One of the most powerful tools of the ad platforms in general and of Facebook in particular, is the creation of campaigns based on different types of users. This makes it easier for your brand to communicate with those people who are indeed interested in your offer and who you ultimately want to impact. 

However, keep in mind that a good segmentation is not necessarily the most limited or specific since it can reduce the size of your audience too much, which could eventually translate into higher costs. 


One fact is clear and it is that all your content, whether it is initially created for television, must later be adapted for social networks, due to the huge number of users who connect from their cell phones. 

In addition, one of the most striking formats to generate interaction with your audience is video. However, keep in mind that the best format for your brand is not necessarily the best for others. Evaluate what works best for you based on your content production budget since it may be more profitable to produce an image and spend a lot on advertising, than to make a super video and have little money to invest. 

Finally, I always recommend that before you use any format or type of content you think about who your audience is. It is useless if you create a first-rate video if your audience is the one who would read a blog. Analyze these factors and if you apply these insurance tips they will be very useful. 

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