Email Marketing: 8 Steps to Create a Successful Campaign (Part 1)

email marketingThe Email Marketing is one of the oldest tactics of Online MarketingHowever, today it is still as effective as yesterday and surely as it will continue to be tomorrow.

These campaigns tend to be highly cost effective since the inbox is one of the places the average internet user has the most contact with and the cost of mass mailing is very low.

In this two-part series we will briefly analyze the 8 steps to follow to create an Email Marketing campaign, then in future articles I will go deeper into each step.

1- Strategic planning: The first part of all advertising campaign Through emails it should be about planning the goals and objectives to be achieved.

What we must ask ourselves is "why do we want to send these emails?" It may seem like a silly question, but the rest of the steps depend on the answer to that question.

Promotional emails generally have short-term objectives such as making the user visit our page, download or buy a product or service.

2- Define the list: The second step is to know who we are going to send that email to, again it seems like a silly step but it really is very important if we are going to send this particular email to our entire email list or only to individuals within a certain age range in particular.

It is also very important to define if we are going to send this campaign to our existing list or if it would be better to create a new list through a previous campaign on social networks or with PPC.

Something very important to remember when we create an email list is that the user had to explicitly give us their permission to add it to the list, Email Marketing has nothing to do with Spam.

Our database only needs to contain the email of each subscriber, but having additional data is very useful when it comes to filtering who each email is addressed to or to send different emails according to each age range and interest.

Some very useful extra data in a database are: Name, age, sex, city, country.

3- Creative execution: It is here where we define if the email to send will be only text or would need to include images, any menu with extra options, etc.

It is also in this step where we create the content of the email, it is very important to know our audience and to know what type of message it responds to best, what format, what writing style and what type of action calls we should use to have the best response. possible.

The only ones who can know our subscribers well are us and we must achieve this through tests, tests and analysis of the results obtained after each shipment.

4- Customize the message: If there is something that we should really take advantage of with Email Marketing over other means of advertising both Online and Offline, it is the ability to personalize our message on a massive scale.

Hence also the importance of having our database segmented, so we can further personalize our message and offer each subscriber only what they are interested in or could be interested in, avoiding having to waste time with services or products that are not of interest to them.

This is where the first part of the 8 steps to create a successful email marketing campaign, tomorrow I will be publishing the second part.

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