Blogging: How To Fight A Mental Block To Write

Something that happens to us frequently is having mental blocks and we do not know what to write, even that can lead to us spending several days without posting any article.

Stopping writing is the worst thing that can happen to a blogger and if we frequently post articles we still feel more "guilt" when we stop doing it.

You have to know how to save in the season of fat cows

This advice is a classic that can be applied to almost all kinds of activity, in the same way that the blockade attacks us all, we also all have our stages of inspiration where writing seems the easiest thing in the world ... let's not be fooled, now We know that the times of fat cows do not last a lifetime.

I accept that sometimes I do not take advantage of those times to squeeze their full potential, when we realize that we are inspired it is time to gather as many ideas as possible, for that this article can help us: 5 Tips for Better Brainstorming

Write more than one posts

If we have defined what our posting rate is, it is not necessary that we exceed it just because we have a brainstorm, but it would be good to go "saving" articles so that when the lean season arrives we can face it well.

Have a list of topics to write

Even if we don't have enough knowledge about a topic to write properly about it or to give personal examples, it is always good to have a list of which topics we would like to write about in the future.

This at the same time helps us to motivate ourselves to learn about those topics, from which while we are learning them, "subtopics" will surely emerge that we had not considered and help us to create more content.

Participate in online and offline events related to our topic

Participating in events is another way to generate ideas and combat mental blockage, being with other people interested in our same topic is very easy for us to know what our audience is needing.

Topics for articles come out of conversations even without our intent to do so.

What other things do you do to avoid or combat a mental block? 😉

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