Content isn't everything: 3 ways to boost organic traffic

For many there is the belief that content is king and that it is the most relevant factor to have a good performance in search engines, when it comes to deriving traffic to your website. However, this is not entirely correct. In reality, content is just one piece of the puzzle, so without the rest of the variables, your content won't accomplish much on its own. 

To begin with, I recommend that you do not underestimate the quality when making your content and in turn, give SEO the importance it deserves. This means that you do your best to deliver to your audience the content they are looking for and in the best possible quality, since that is what search engines like. 

That is why I present you 3 ways with which to improve the performance of your organic content, which accompany quality content very well:

  1. Get quality links for your most important pages. 

We know that links are important for SEO as they tell Google if your content is relevant to other sites. To do this, I present three ways to obtain quality links: 

  • Create guest posts on a recognized website and link it with a link to your page. 
  • Share your post with personalities or influencers. If they like it, there is a chance they will share it. 
  • Link to influencer posts. If they like what you wrote about them or their content, they will probably mention you in their space, creating a link back to your page. 
  1. Keep your content updated. 

This point is undoubtedly one of the most important, since when users are looking for relevant information, they will opt for the one that has a more recent publication date. This is because in general knowledge is constantly updated and search engines are likely to give it more relevance. 

In any case, there is a certain type of content that does not need to be constantly updated, such as historical content. In this case, Google will not negatively position this type of content if it is not constantly updated. However, in the case of a news or events portal, Google will search for the newest content and rank it at the top. 

It all depends on the type of content you write and how you write it. Even if you write recipes, copywriters sometimes use current affairs to connect with their audience. This can cause the same content to be irrelevant in the future as the references used are no longer relevant. Similarly, if you created a link to a site, it may not be active in the future. 

  1. Get Google to index your site

Indexing your site is an important step to place it in the Google ranking. Although this is not an obligatory step to position a site, you can contribute in this process. To index your site you must go to Google Search Console and click on "Start now”.

Copy and paste your site's domain or URL prefix into the appropriate field.

Click continue and you will then be prompted to verify ownership of your site.

Wait for Google to check the URL, then click "Request Indexing" and go through this process every time you post again.

In conclusion, while content is important, it is certainly not everything. For your content to have a great display it is necessary:

  • Make it relevant to your audience.
  • That has interesting material and at the same time easy to digest.
  • That it helps you to position yourself as a reference and that it has credibility. 

These tips will help your content have a better chance of appearing in Google rankings, but keep in mind that without proper optimization the content probably cannot emerge. Put these recommendations into practice and let me know if they were useful to you.

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