4 Things we can learn from spammers

We all hate spammers, but we can even rescue several of their strategies and transform them into something ethical and effective as this CopyBlogger article explains: 4 Things an Ethical Internet Marketer can Learn from Spammers

Although the article does not talk about anything from another world, they are things that sometimes we can forget and that spammers have very much in mind ... hence its success even with all the improvements in spam filters, greater knowledge on the part of users, etc. .

1) Go where the fish are: The most important thing when fishing is to go to a place with many fish, in the same way when doing business the important thing is to be in a market with many potential customers.

Even if our product and marketing techniques are good, they are useless without a good number of people interested in what we have to offer.

Obviously the markets with the largest number of interested people are more competitive, but it is easier to improve our marketing strategy than to invent clients from scratch.

2) The money is in the list: Email is still the direct communication method par excellence and one of the most profitable means on the Internet, having a legitimate list of loyal customers can generate sales over and over again for years.

If even spammers can get sales through illegitimate email lists, we can get much higher conversion rates by doing things right because the customer knows us and trusts us.

We must not neglect the means of promotion such as social media, blogs, SEO, SEM, etc. But to this day email is still king when it comes to creating customer relationships ... if you are not yet creating a subscriber and customer list, start building it.

3) Drafting: This is one of the most important points, perhaps even as important as having a good product. Good writing technique can be the difference between selling and not selling.

With our current wording are we providing answers to customer problems or simply mentioning features of our product? That is a very good question to ask.

4) Size matters: Spammers get sales even with microscopic conversion rates thanks to the size of their email lists, we must not resort to illegal practices to grow our list but we must put effort into growing it.

We can offer incentives, discounts, gifts, etc. These are all legal methods that increase the rate of subscription to newsletters and that combined with efforts to improve our traffic volume can bring excellent results.

It is not necessary to fall into illegal practices to achieve sales thanks to the Internet, but sometimes we can lose focus thinking about "secondary" factors and leave behind what really puts money in our pockets ... and this is VERY clear to spammers.

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