7 copywriting tips to improve conversions on your landings or landing pages
Achieving a good level of conversions with our landing pages largely depends on the message we use.
Copywriting is the art of using words to convince a potential consumer to purchase our products. For this reason, landing pages are the ideal complement to communicate effectively and persuasively.
This means that these landing pages must have an eye-catching wording that motivates potential customers to take an action, otherwise they will leave your site instantly. In this article I share the following 7 writing techniques that will help improve your conversions.
Effective copywriting strategies on landing pages
Here are some of the best copywriting techniques you can use on a landing page. Try them in titles, subtitles and in the body of the text in question. Use them in different combinations and see the results for yourself.
1- Includes a large number of calls to action (call to action)
Calls to action are phrases and words that invite the potential customer to do something. This generally means helping users take the next step in a sales funnel. Some phrases that call to action are:
- Buy now
- Go to the store now
- Add to shopping cart
- Order now
- Do not wait more
These phrases are subtle but very powerful. In fact, it has been found that 90% of site visitors reading the title also read the call to action. This means that if you attract the reader with a good title, you are increasing the chances that these potential customers will generate a conversion, by adding a call to action later.
Take a look at this example of a landing page that uses the "start today" message.

Notice how the title "The best way to manage your social networks" grabs the reader's attention, while the call to action marks the next step.
2- Take advantage of the needs of your potential customers
Why does a potential customer buy a product? To solve a problem. Reminding your customers of their need and the experiences related to solving this situation or avoiding a problem, generates emotions that can help improve your chances of sales.
You must remember that the buying process is a very emotional process. In fact, some studies claim that the 95% of purchasing decisions are subconscious. By making the customer feel emotions associated with the product and its solution, you are getting closer to what this consumer needs.
3- Build a story to empathize with your audience
Everybody loves a good story. In fact, it is the way in which the first civilizations transmitted knowledge even in the pre-language age. It's no surprise that testimonials, which are a variant of story building, are a proven format for driving conversions.
This is the reason why many landing pages have their customer stories. In any case, you must have the permission of these people before using their comments or return and their image.
Another way to build a story can be achieved by telling a personal story of how you were once in the shoes of this potential buyer, too.
4- Create a "slippery slope"
Joseph Sugarman, one of the leading copywriters, introduced the phrase "slippery slope" in one of his books, which we will adopt as "slippery slope." This strategy consists of organizing the phrases of an ad in a way that guides customers towards the purchase.
You can achieve this on your own landing pages by ensuring, in the first instance, that the text is arranged logically. This generally looks like this:
- An eye-catching title that grabs the reader's attention
- An introduction to the offer, its attributes and benefits
- Price and justification of the investment
- Testimonials that act as evidence
- Answers to questions and objections that customers may have
- Call to action to acquire the product.
Observe how order flows naturally. For this reason, the "slippery slope" is created using short, flashy phrases. This makes the text easier to read and less intimidating in some cases.
5- Keep language simple and easy to digest
Taking into account people's literacy and reading comprehension levels, it is important that you avoid using complex and technical language in your landing pages, since you will be leaving out a large number of potential clients.
Instead, you should use simple, casual language that sounds like a friend is talking to another friend. This type of communication makes your texts easier to digest, fun to read and close to the reader.
A great technique to try is to try writing while speaking. Listening to yourself out loud will tell you if your texts sound natural and human, so you shouldn't be afraid to break some grammar rules if necessary.
6 - Ask questions that force users to answer with a "yes"
The more you can get a potential consumer to think "yes" to your landing page, the better your chances are that they will say "yes" when it comes time to purchase. How is this accomplished? By asking the questions that they themselves would ask.
These questions should not be very complex. In fact the simpler the better. For this you must have a broad idea of the interests, feelings and values of your clients. Use this strategy to ask questions of which you are sure the answer is going to be a "yes", and that bring the content of your page closer to what your client has in mind.
7 - Use “urgency” to attract action faster
Think about it from the customer's perspective. They see that there is only a certain amount of time to take advantage of the offer, which will motivate them to take action. This is why you should create urgency copywriting on your landing pages.
The sense of urgency can be created in multiple ways and one of them is to frame the offer with the message “for a limited time”. Customers will be more motivated to buy as they feel like they are missing out on a great opportunity.
Copywriting can be an enhancer or a limiting factor for your landing pages. It is for this reason that you should take the time to create an attractive text that motivates your potential customers to buy from you. Tell me which of these 7 techniques you are using and which one generates the best performance for your conversions.