Adwords: 4 Factors to Consider When Doing International Campaigns
When making campaigns aimed at other countries there are certain factors to take into account beyond the competition, prices per click, etc. And those are the cultural factors.
These factors can mean the difference between succeeding and failing, although they are nothing to write home about, it is good to always keep them in mind.
1) Language: Depending on the public to which the product or service that we promote is dedicated, this is of greater or lesser importance, it is also very important to know some of the colloquial language of the region or country to which we focus the campaign.
In that country do they use "you", "you" or "you"? "Buy" or "buy"? If the campaign is in English ... should we use English or North American idioms?
Using the correct writing style builds the confidence you need to convert.
2) Date Formats: What is the format used in that country for the dates? If we promote something that has a deadline or is an event on a certain day, this is decisive.
Are days or months used first? If we don't pay attention to this little detail, we could be throwing our entire campaign in the trash and confusing the public.
3) Holidays and public holidays: What are the public holidays in that country? What special dates can we take advantage of? Holidays have special commercial value and whenever our product allows us, we must take advantage of them.
4) Points or Commas ?: Perhaps this seems only an insignificant detail, but when we did everything a thousand times and we know the Adwords panel by heart it may be that in certain situations we work on "automatic pilot" for things more mechanical than analytical (change CPC, etc.)
If we use a client's account with the panel in British English and we are used to working in Spanish, we may be in for a nasty surprise if we do not pay attention.
To separate the pennies in that country do you use semicolons or commas? If we do not pay a minimum of attention we can introduce a CPC of "75" instead of "0.75" by confusing the use of semicolons, which can ruin a campaign day in minutes if we promote a popular product in a high-volume country.
These 4 factors are a matter of simple common sense, but they can make our client trust us with bigger budgets or never hire us again.