Facebook announces that the use of Campaign Budget Optimization is no longer mandatory
Historically, daily budgets were entered at the Facebook Ads ad set level. However, the creation of this Campaign Budget Optimization, or CBO for its acronym in English (Campaign Budget Optimization), seeks to move the budget allocation to the main level of the campaign, which allows the platform to distribute the investment among the existing ad sets.

Ad sets may have a spending cap to limit the amount of the budget that is distributed to you.
Why is CBO implementation now optional?
As happens after any advertisement, there are mixed feelings within advertisers, as some have made a profit and others have not. Although users did not express a dislike for the idea of using the CBO, the fact that it was mandatory was not entirely well perceived by many.
This was the reason why the mandatory deadline for this release was repeatedly pushed back, as this change posed a problem for some ad platform users.
When does it work and when does it not?
With the passage of time, we have seen that the optimization or CBO has become more stable and has a better performance in searching for traffic. This is how this tool has become a good option to diversify the sources of users that enter the conversion funnel.
Similarly, from the point of view of online store owners, the CBO has been a good tool for budgeting without having to assume or guess which audiences will perform better.
Likewise, this change has its negative side, since in the seasons of offers advertisers apply bid strategies to get where your competitors do not. In fact, sometimes you can get better results from an audience when you work on it individually. For this reason, many specialists on the platform have found that this change works well for online stores, but not for other types of sites.
The fact that Facebook has taken a step back in the mandatory implementation of the CBO is a sign that such Budget Optimization does not work in all cases. Although in theory this change makes a lot of sense, it seems that in the practice of media buyers it does not work at all.
At the time of writing this article, an official statement from Facebook Ads regarding the use of the CBO has not been given, however in case you have a specific question about any of your accounts, the representatives of the platform will be able to inform you about the matter. .