Google Adwords: Campaign Structuring

The correct structuring of the campaigns of a Google Adwords account can be the difference between a successful campaign and a resounding failureThere is precisely no "correct" way to structure campaigns but it all depends on your needs and objectives, it even depends on your management style.

A fundamental requirement to be able to structure campaigns correctly is know all the possibilities offered by the various elements that compose them, both “On-Account” (campaigns, ad groups, keywords, ads) and “Off-Account” (landing pages, A / B Tests, etc.)

The objectives of a good campaign structuring are:

1) Flexibility

The structure of the campaigns of an Adwords account must be designed in terms of providing flexible administration, that is, it must provide ease and agility when making specific and / or massive changes in the campaigns.

2) Ease of Analysis

A good campaign structure should facilitate the interpretation of the results, structuring the campaigns according to different criteria such as: general objectives, networks (search or display), geographic targeting, etc. you can analyze the performance of your campaigns with a simple quick glance, leaving the most advanced reports only for deep analysis.

3) Investment Optimization

The flexibility of administration and the ease of analysis result in a better use of the investment destined to the campaigns, for example, the campaigns can be segmented according to the performance of the products offered by the client, thus managing to invest as much of the budget as possible in the keywords and ads that get the best results.

Well structured campaigns allow easy optimization of the total budget for Adwords.

There is no single way to structure campaigns correctly, nor are there fixed formulas, but the next time you have to launch a campaign for a client make sure that it meets the previous objectives 😉

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