Google Adwords: Singular vs Plurals in Broad Match

Today's article is not very long, but it is interesting and it arose as a result of a question at work

Is it worth using plural keywords if we include the singular of the keyword in broad match?

When using phrase match or exact match we have no choice but to use plurals and singular of each keyword if we want to appear for those searches, however with broad match we already cover different variants of a singular keyword.

The real answer to the question is: It depends on what you are looking for.

If we are conducting a performance or CPA campaign and even more so if our traffic volumes are high, we are going to need all the help possible to optimize even the smallest detail ... that is where more than ever we should separate all the singular from the plural.


Because while both keywords qualify to trigger our ads, the most "relevant" keyword is the one that will trigger the ad and add to the impression.

That is, if we have in our ad group the keywords: "Auto" and "Cars" and the search carried out is "Cars", although in broad match "Auto" could safely activate the ad, it is "Cars" that it does in this case.

This allows us to control the conversions separately and therefore we can optimize the campaign more easily.


In the case of branding it is much simpler and it is not necessary to be so obsessive / compulsive with the performance of our keywords, so if it seems to you that there is not going to be much difference in the general performance of the campaign there is no need to be as thorough as with a Performance campaign.

And what do you think about it? What is your experience with singular and plural keywords? 😉

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