How can a Client Hurt Their Own Campaigns?
While working with some clients is a pleasure and you feel part of a dynamic duo capable of taking a tremendous beating to all the competition, there are times when you can feel really uncomfortable working with someone.
When this situation of discomfort is repeated very often, it can even go to the extreme of having to fire our client (yes, you can also fire your client).
Most of the time this happens because of not previously establishing solid work criteria or because of the repeated violation of them, to illustrate the situation I leave you an unverifiable but not impossible dialogue that may arise at some point with one of your clients:
Client: I want the following changes to be made to the campaign and everything else removed.
Marketer: These changes will cause an increase in the cost per conversion, loss of ad positions, loss of quality score and advance the end of the world for 2011.
Client: It does not matter, these changes were suggested by the superiors of the company. (translation: my salary is in jeopardy and the bottom line matters little or nothing to me, I don't get a raise for this anyway)
Marketer: How much do you know about Online Marketing?
Client: Yesterday they learned to make "Reply All" in Outlook.
Marketer: If your doctor says that you have heart surgery, would you tell him that you prefer to have a head operation? (this obviously said in a totally indirect way and with many euphemisms)
Client: Blah blah blah-blah blah blah! (At this point it does not matter what you say, you do what the client says or you do nothing)

To avoid these annoying situations for both the marketer and the client, the first thing one must do is instruct the client on how the channel we are using works, in the event that we advertise with Google Adwords. We must explain to the client what are the most important aspects of a campaign.
Although many things may seem obvious to us, there is a very good chance that the client has no idea that they exist or that they do not know what their true function is.
For example, changing or deleting a very successful ad (good conversions and good CTR) in the middle of a campaign can lead to the total failure of the ENTIRE campaign from one second to the next, since Google takes ad history into account when assigning positions or even to decide whether to stop showing it.
How can a client contribute to improve your campaign?
An agile and good communication with the client makes an abysmal difference in the success of a campaign, the client can offer information about which products are most popular, with which they receive the most profit, inform us in advance of their next promotions, etc.
This information is very valuable to create new campaigns focused on, for example, making a special promotion known and that well applied can MULTIPLY sales from one day to the next.
However, How can a customer harm their own campaigns?
1) Issuing orders without listening to the Marketer's opinion
2) Giving extreme importance to your personal preferences and tastes (colors, words, styles, etc.)
3)Ignoring the fact that no one cares about his brand as much as he does
In summary: Prospective clients care what we have to offer them, it's about them, not about us.