How to create a blog with WordPress

This is the second part of the article on how to create a blogIn this article we are going to see how to install a WordPress blog on our own domain and hosting.

This is not complicated at all, but if we dislike or lack time to configure things, we can always refer the work to a programmer or web designer, it is something simple so it can not be so expensive and in passing we ask you to install plugins and other useful tools.

Why WordPress?

Because it is a simple and intuitive platform to create and manage blogs, it has an extensive community that is always making improvements and also a very wide gallery of plugins for all the tastes and functions that you can think of.

If our goal is to publish content and promote ourselves or a product / service there is no need to reinvent the wheel regarding the blogging platform we use.

Installing a blog with WordPress is very simple and takes little time, so here I explain how to create a blog with this platform in X simple steps.

Step 1: If we already have a hosting account with PHP and MySQL and our own domain then the first step should be to download the latest version of WordPress at: or if we prefer it in Spanish:

Step 2: We create a database and user in our hosting account, the data that we need to write down are: name of the database, username, password and the hostname (most of the time it is "localhost" but sometimes we will need the Intranet IP).

Step 3: We unzip the WordPress .RAR and configure the wp-config-sample.php file with our base and user data so that the program can access them.

The lines that we must configure if we download the English version are:

define ('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of our base

define ('DB_USER', 'username '); // Our database username

define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); // The password

define ('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // Most of the time we don't need to change this.

Now we save the file as wp-config.php (we take out the "sample") and we are ready to upload all the files from the WordPress folder to our host, the program that I use frequently for that is the Filezilla.

Step 4: Once we finish uploading the files we go to the URL where we upload them followed by: wp-admin / install.php, for example:

Once there we fill in some information such as the email account that will be associated with that blog to receive notifications and the title of the blog (this can be changed later at any time).

The tables in the database are created automatically and we do not have to do anything else, we can now configure our blog, write articles or choose a template or modify its appearance to our liking.

If I took anything for granted or if you have any questions, leave a comment and I will respond as soon as possible. Hopefully you found this useful.

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