Permission Marketing vs. Interruption Marketing
How many times did it happen to you that while looking at an advertisement on TV, you could only think: "What I mind the slow traffic? » while you were waiting for the Simpsons to play again?
That is what Seth godin call Interruption Marketing and it is a very interesting concept that basically encompasses all the traditional forms of Marketing such as advertising on radio, television or magazines while the Permission Marketing It is a more "friendly" way of approaching the potential customer and generally encompasses Online Marketing techniques.
What is the problem with Interruptive Marketing?
Basically the problem is precisely that, which interrupts the consumer in a daily activity and the best consumers learned not to pay attention to everything that a commercial tells them, they learned to ignore them.
What is different about Permissive Marketing?
We do not interrupt the potential buyer, but we approach as a solution to a problem that they have now, we generate trust and authority through free quality content or products (ebooks, plugins, etc.) and then we ask for "permission" by means of a voluntary subscription to a newsletter (or some other means) to send more content and in due course also offers.
The big difference is that now it is the potential client who is interested in continuing to hear about us, we do not crash a product that does not interest him in his face ... but he asks us for more information about our product / service.
The ability to deliver different messages to different types of customers is what makes the Internet a flexible and customizable Marketing platform on a massive scale.
The emails we send to a person who has just subscribed to our newsletter may (and in many cases MUST) be different from those we send to someone who has been following us for a longer time.This is where a good Email Marketing campaign plays an important role.
The Online Marketers seek to show our message to the potential consumer when they are interested in our product or service, we caught him "red-handed."
With Permissive Marketing we not only seek to catch you In Fraganti We also seek to create a long-term relationship.
The concept of Permissive Marketing is very interesting and I am going to expand it in subsequent articles, I do not know if this type of Marketing can be applied to all products / services and markets ... but at least it is working very well for me and I hope to see more fruits in 2010, you will be informed 😉