Search Wheel: What does Google think of us?

A very interesting question is: «What does Google think of me?», That is, what does it relate to our name and how it has cataloged us ... in what context are we relevant?

I already wrote about the Google Search Wheel, I was playing with it a bit, browsing and drawing conclusions about the different uses that I can give it.

This is the result of searching for "DELL" on the Whonder Wheel:


As we can see, it gives us results on its technical support, drivers and its competition: Acer, Toshiba, Vaio.

This is the result when doing a search on Frank Herbert:


Frank Herbert is a British science fiction writer from the 60s, as relevant searches related to his name appear titles of his most famous works and also "Paul Atreides", who is the main character of Dune, Herbert's most famous work.

What results do we get when searching for my name?

search-wheel-william-coupleAs we can see, my name is related to: WordPress Plugins, Web Positioning, SEO, SEM, Adwords and Link Building… basically everything related to my profession.

One result that appears related to my name is "Viktor E. Frankl", who was a Jewish psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust, then wrote several books and founded Logotherapy.

I never wrote anything related to Logotherapy or Viktor Frankl, this result must appear to be related to another Guillermo Pareja, however the results related to me are predominant.

I had friends in other countries do the same search on the Wonder Wheel to see if the results were so marked towards me due to the fact of being logged in with my Google account at the time of doing the search or to the country where I am now, however they see the same results.

The Search Wheel is much more than a simple tool to discover Long Tail keywords, but in fact it is a tool that tells us what things Google considers relevant and related to a search.

Personally I think (it is just a personal opinion) that the future is in the context and relevance of the content ... the "dumb SEO" is over.

A more direct utility that we can give you is to see what the other interests of our audience / market are to know where to expand or what approach to give to our campaigns.

It really is a very interesting tool with a lot of potential, what uses do you give it? 😉

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