SEO Errors 101: Keywords Identified But Not Tested

The web positioning and the PPC go hand in hand and complement each other, not knowing how to use PPC programs like Google Adwords to optimize our campaigns SEO it can waste a lot of time and therefore money.

Many people identify keywords, analyze potential traffic, etc.

But the problem is precisely that, we can estimate the amount of traffic but estimating the quality is more difficult and in the end, quality matters much more than quantity.

That is where PPC comes in to save us a lot of time, instead of waiting to be well positioned for keywords that we do not know if they are going to convert, we run the risk of wasting a lot of time, money and energy on nothing.

Adwords is the ideal program to analyze the commercial intention behind each keyword or phrase, setting a campaign with our list of keywords to see them in action and see which ones bring us the best ROIIf a keyword yields very little (or nothing), it is best to eliminate it and put more budget on those that are really bringing visitors that put money in our pocket.

After we know which keywords bring qualified traffic we can invest time and hard work in positioning our pages for those keywords or key phrases of which we have EVIDENCE conversion and not simple "potentiality."

Let's remember that we not only look for the keywords that bring us the most traffic, but we also seek to convert those visitors into buyers and a short PPC campaign can quickly help us identify what works and that not without waiting weeks or even months to have results.

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