7 SEO tools
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is one of the practices that has probably generated the most confusion in the industry. This statement is due to the fact that many advertisers tend not to give it the importance it deserves because they do not correctly understand how it works.
So what is SEO and why is it important?
SEO is about getting your content seen by the right audience, when they perform relevant searches on search engines.
In order to make sure your content is seen by your target audience, here are some tools to help you achieve this.
7 tools for SEO
Ahrefs has a tool for analyze backlinks, which means that you browse the entire web looking for relationships between pages. A backlink is a link from one website to another and is an indicator of credibility for search engines like Google. Some pages strive to link to other credible sites and vice versa to achieve greater relevance.
One of the most important factors to recommend Ahrefs is that it has a vast and exhaustive amount of information, making it the second largest database in the world in terms of backlinks. To use it, just enter the link of the page from which you want to obtain information and you will see all its backlinks, as well as a wide variety of SEO metrics.
LSI Graph
LSI Graph is a very cool tool that works as a keyword generator. This tool organizes semantically relevant terms by topics, related terms and according to what has been searched on Google.
It also helps you to know popular searches related to your keywords, which comes in handy when you are looking for niche topics or when you want to write about something new.
For example, if you search for "how to get more followers on Instagram" it suggests "fast and free" and "instantly" as related terms.
By the way, if you want to know how to get more followers on Instagram Take a look at this article, which I am sure can help you.
This tool offers technical information on web pages. Instead of searching for keywords, nerdydata.com searches for source codes. You can search for things like image URLs, plugins, tags, meta descriptions, and any other patterns in web code.
How does this help in SEO? Let's say you are looking for sites that mention your competition and not you. With this tool you can find the URL of these pages and contact them to offer them your content so that they can include it in the future.
As I mentioned with the backlinks, if a site has a link to your page, it is giving its vote of confidence that it is a reliable source. This will ultimately help improve the ranking of your website.
Screaming Frog SEO Spider
It is a platform that looks for patterns from any website with SEO errors such as wrong page titles, too long, too short or duplicate metadata. This makes it an excellent tool for SEO auditing as well as for checking the correct use of keywords.
Try the tool on any web page and it will search for the keyword or file you are looking for.
This tool evaluates the performance of a site and especially its response rate. WebpageTest measures speed from different locations around the world, on different servers and with various types of connection speeds. In fact, you can even control what type of device to test your website in order to run the analysis. Then it will show you what are the problems for which your page is slow and what you can do to solve them.

This tool is especially useful for SEO since the loading speed of a website is one of the factors used by the Google algorithm to rank pages.
Also, improving the response time of your website will make your content much easier to discover.
Google analytics
Google Analytics allows you to closely monitor every movement of traffic on your website, showing you how users get to your page and what they do once they are there.
With this tool you can see which keywords Google users use to find your website. There you can also find a ranking of specific terms for your page. Use Google Analytics to get an overview of visitor behavior on your pages, allowing you to better gauge your SEO efforts.
Google Keyword Planner
Using Google's keyword planner is simply getting first-hand information. A great advantage that it has is that all the information is obtained directly from Google, which is the place where web pages are fighting for greater visibility and exposure.
To use it, you just have to enter a keyword in the tool and Google will generate useful information to guide your SEO strategy. Some of the reports you can get are: Monthly search volume, competition, and even suggested terms that you probably hadn't thought of.
Using well-positioned terms within your content will make it easier to discover. That is why this tool is a must in any SEO campaign.
I hope that beyond the fact that you may prefer to use one or another tool, you can understand how the SEO universe works and take advantage of it in the most optimal way. Tell me if there is a particular tool that caught your attention and what is your specific need for its use.