Supermetrics: Two new connectors are now available in Data Studio

Many of you know that I use Data Studio linked to Supermetrics and I have recommended the use of these platforms before. In case this is the first time you've heard about this, Data Studio provides the ability to access a fairly robust catalog of connectors from more than 500 data sources. This allows us to centralize our reports in one place.

Google recently announced the launch of connectors for Display and 360 video, as well as Search Ads 360.

These connectors allow access to the advertising information of your Google marketing platform in Data Studio. We can explore the data from each channel or in conjunction with information from Google Analytics or Google Sheets.

Once the sources are linked, we can customize the reports based on our needs. For example, we can add graphics to visualize the information in a more attractive way, and in such a way that the reports made maintain the branding or style that is used in the company or brand for which they work. It is also important to note that reports can be easily shared.

Let's say we want to create a report to compare the performance of advertising on Display and Video 360, Search Ads 360, and Google Ads. We can use Google's advertising performance template to see key metrics, or create a custom report using connectors to import content. From there, you can use the "Explorer" functionality to experiment using different visualizations and organize the information as you see fit. You can also combine the data and perform analyzes on three or more data sets.

So we can observe behaviors, trends and the performance of the campaigns and share this with the work team, media agency, or any other person who can be used to optimize the work done.

If you have already tried these two new connectors, tell us about your experience.

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