Tips to improve your online sales platforms

Obtaining prospects and clients is the main objective of any business. This is how from digital marketing technologies, which are in constant development, it is possible to attract traffic, improve sales and in turn, give a higher level of recognition to your business. 

If you are starting your online strategy and you don't quite know what things you should do, I recommend that you take note of these tips so that you have more tools when it comes to generating prospects for your business.

Optimize your website

Creating a website is an integral part of your brand communication. Likewise, optimizing the content of your site is an excellent way to improve the positioning of your pages, which is the key to obtaining more traffic for your online business. 

It is at this time that SEO comes into play, since it allows you to create the necessary visibility so that your potential clients know your business. In addition, optimization techniques allow you to improve the quantity and quality of your website traffic. 

It is true that optimizing a website is not an easy task. It is very important to pay attention to the type of content that is published since it must contain all the necessary keywords and links, to boost the positioning of a site in search engines. 

Run tests with A / B variables

A / B testing means testing various versions of web pages to see which version gets the best results. It is a very effective method when defining the theme or visual composition of a site. In the same way, it allows you to have a general idea of what your customers expect from your brand, since you can obtain information on how your users of your site interact with certain visual stimuli.

Control your website to avoid viruses

One of the best practices that exist to have a website free of threats is through frequent control that allows you to detect and solve problems before they appear. Carrying out a preventive control allows you to detect if the loading speed of your site is optimal, if you have broken links, if any of your pages has some kind of blockage or some other error. With a preventive control you can solve these problems before they represent a problem for your users and this results in a decrease in your traffic and your sales. 

I recommend that you do a weekly scan of your site to ensure its proper functioning. Likewise, I recommend that you keep the interface in which your pages run updated, to facilitate the work of protecting against threats.

Improve your keywords

When it comes to SEO, we are largely talking about keywords. If the use of these terms within your content is appropriate, your web pages will contribute to the process of obtaining leads. This simple step will allow your audience to find your pages when they look for information according to what you offer. 

Create a blog

Blogging is a very efficient way to interact with your customers and generate leads, which can contribute to a gradual increase in traffic to your site. This type of content provides information and experience that your customers may find valuable and later associate it with your brand. This is how the constant publication of content on a blog can betray more traffic to your website. 

Make your website easy to use on mobile devices

When building your website, it is essential that it works properly and that your visitors can access it from any device. 

Users demand more and more features and speed from their cell phones. It is very likely that if a website does not work properly on a mobile device, users will abandon it before converting. For this reason, optimizing your pages to work properly on any device should be a priority for your business. 

Create a mobile app

For some business models, creating a mobile app is a great way to attract new customers. The more creative and engaging the application is, the more traffic it will get. One way to achieve the use of these platforms is by offering incentives and services to your clients, so that they can install them on their phones. However, the success of this tool will depend on many factors, including your business need, so you should ask yourself if this is the fastest and easiest way for your customers to access your products. 

It is very important that your customers really see the benefits of using your application so that they really use it and it is a bridge that improves the positioning of your brand. 

Offer questions and answers

Creating a complete section within your website to answer the most frequently asked questions from your customers will contribute to a better understanding of the reason for your brand. Linking these questions with posts and articles is a great way to strengthen relationships with your audience and gain prospects, so they feel closer to your brand. 


Offering creative content through engaging blogs that establish a connection with your customers helps you earn their trust. These strategies will help you get better conversions, so I recommend implementing the ones that are most organically adapted to your business.

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