Use that topic that you are passionate about to create quality content

Offering good content is the best way to capture the attention of your audience, so creating quality pieces will give your audience more reasons to be connected with your messages and your brand offering. 

People tend to be more open to making a purchase, when they feel that the speaker really understands their need, so as a general rule your content should seek to demonstrate that to your audience. This is important because when choosing a product, buyers review a large amount of information that helps them make a good purchase decision. This is the perfect opportunity to persuade your audience to buy your products, with arguments that indicate that your offer is the best for them. 

These types of actions help to position your brand as a reliable source of information that also has a quality offer. That is why it is worth taking every opportunity that users generate to present a solution to their problems, especially if they are looking for a product that solves them. 

Here are some tips that will help you create quality content, using what you are passionate about. And it is not for less, since developing content from something that really interests you, will surely help you create quality pieces. 

Take advantage of the topics that interest you

When working on a topic of your interest, you probably know what the main reasoning of the people you are going to talk to are. Also, if it is a subject that you have experience with, either because you have worked many years in this area or because you have studied it thoroughly, you will be able to have deeper conversations with your audience.

For example, if you like cars and work in the marketing team of an off-road vehicle dealership, surely you will have more arguments to create specialized content for those who love this segment. This extra knowledge that only someone really interested in a topic has, is the differential factor for users to give credibility to your content. 

Understanding your audience well will allow you to speak to the customer who is looking for accessories for a 4 × 4 or who is looking for accessories for an SUV.

Find opportunities to use your passion

Using your passion to create content is the easy part, but convincing your team can take some time. Incorporating your tastes into your insurance work can positively impact your audience's response. In this way, when users realize that the people behind a brand are passionate about their products, it gives them the confidence they need to make a decision when buying. 

In fact, some studies indicate that communicating a message with passion can influence an audience at any stage of the conversion funnel. Look for opportunities in your area to use what you are passionate about as a communication tool.

Offer more of that which mobilizes you

Letting those around you know where your passion is, makes it easier for more opportunities related to this area to come to you. For this reason, it is very important that you communicate your taste and your ability regarding that topic of your interest, so that the people around you recognize you as a reference and therefore think of you when something related appears. 

This generally occurs in all types of industries, since, for example, those who are in the insurance market tend to communicate it to all their contacts so that the day someone needs coverage they can contact them. You should do the same with your passion, so that you have more opportunities to do what you like. 

In any case, this does not mean that you disclose your life and personal tastes with anyone, but rather to share a little more of yourself in the spaces where you feel comfortable and where you think you can add and obtain something of value. 

Remember that it will be much easier to do any work creatively if it really interests you, rather than if you only see it as a task. 

Give credit to who deserves it

Whether your ideas come from publications, events or your own experience, it is valid to share who you get your ideas from. This will not make your content less valuable and on the contrary it can enhance it if you create connections with that content. This also allows you to investigate beyond your area of expertise, allowing you to offer more rich content.    

For example, someone who works in customer service can bring you an idea for your next campaign. Being attentive to listening to others allows you to get ideas from many places and perspectives. If you have a team in charge, you can motivate them to share with you what they consider to be of greatest value to your audience, so listening to your collaborators can become an invaluable improvement tool. 

In conclusion, keep in mind that speaking from a place of knowledge of a topic will always be more convenient since it allows you to connect with your audience from a closer place. While it is true that each individual has their own interests, I recommend that if you manage a team, you try to ensure that each one has characteristics that can be enhanced when the theme warrants it. Remember that the more varied the points of view that the people around you have, the greater the possibilities of nurturing you when creating content.

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