Why Promote Your Old Articles on Twitter?

If we write a blog for a certain time and update it constantly, it is very possible that among all the dozens of old posts there are "gems" that are still as useful and current today as yesterday.

In these last weeks I have been promoting several old blog articles on Twitter and the truth is that the response they had from users surprised me pleasantly.

So here are 3 reasons why you should promote your old blog posts on Twitter:

1) New Followers: There are people who are just starting to follow us and know little or nothing about us, so re-promoting your best articles from time to time can help build a good relationship with new people and show them that you provide quality information.

2) Second Chance: Many of your frequent readers who are not subscribed to the blog may have missed some tweets you have made, so not only new people benefit from this.

3) New Point of View: If you are used to writing somewhat advanced articles or on not so common topics it may happen that one of your readers did not know how to take advantage of an article the first time he read it, promoting those articles again after a couple of months can make the reader find new information within an article you have read before.

Have you guys already experimented with re-sharing your best old articles? 😉

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