Facebook tests an Email Marketing tool for business pages

Shortly, pieces of e-mail will be able to be sent from the commercial pages of Facebook, however this social network is still testing the functions of this tool before making a general launch.

This new tool will allow small and medium-sized companies to upload contact lists, compose messages and send their email pieces directly from the platform. Likewise, the tool will have an easy-to-use interface that will allow its users to easily measure the performance of their actions.

Who can send email pieces?

Because the tool is still in its testing stage, only a few accounts can use this new interface. When your account is enabled, the platform will give you a notice in the left sidebar of your company page.

After clicking on the Email Marketing tab, a screen will appear asking the page administrator to confirm your email address.

Then the platform will show you a message like the following:

“Reconnect with your subscribers using emails. Select your audience, customize your layout, and track performance. Please confirm your page email to get started. "

When the administrator of the page confirms your email address you can start adding the addresses of your contacts to your subscriber list. This information can be entered into the platform individually or in bulk with a spreadsheet.

However, keep in mind that before adding any contact information, Facebook will ask you, as the administrator of the page, to confirm that you have received permission to send promotional messages to these email accounts.

Once you've added your contacts, page managers can start creating email messages through the Facebook Pages app.

Here's an example of what the tool looks like when composing an email piece on Facebook:

What they say from Facebook

In a release provided by the social network, Facebook confirmed that they are testing the email tool in a small number of small and medium-sized businesses. According to the social network, the objective of this tool is to help users of commercial pages to notify their clients more efficiently about changes in their services and operations.

In the same way, from the platform they affirm that they are evaluating whether these types of tools are beneficial for people and companies, before deciding whether to expand them even more.

This Facebook Email Marketing tool will surely be very useful for those companies that today do not have a tool of this type. However, for those companies that already have an email sending application, it is likely that the platform of this social network is not a novelty.

In any case, it is worth noting that companies still have to obtain authorization from their contacts, to be able to enter their emails in this Email Marketing tool.

Also, keep in mind that this tool does not send emails to users who like a particular page, or anything like that, since "Likes" a page is not the same as granting permission to receive emails. For this reason administrators are required to upload their own contact lists on their pages.

I hope you can test this tool soon and see if it complements your communications with your customers, in the same way or better than other platforms of the same type.

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