Have you already tried the new features of the Google Ads Editor?
The Google ad editor is a tool that you can download to your computer so that you can edit and manage your campaigns offline. This application in its version 1.3 comes with updates for shared budgets, information about the optimization score and an improved editing panel.
Shared budgets
This version of the ad editor allows you to create and edit shared budgets, so that Google automatically adjusts the way the budget for your campaigns is distributed. If you want to disable this option to have full control over the distribution of the pattern, go to the editor's Shared Library and choose the option of individualized budgets.
Information about the optimization score
Your ad account optimization score helps you prioritize recommendations for your campaigns so you can improve their performance quickly. In version 1.3 of the Google Ads editor you can get the scores of your accounts and your campaigns. Select from the tree of accounts, the set of campaigns that you want to evaluate, to know the average optimization score of that selection. This allows you to know which elements to act on and which to optimize.

Improved edit panel
In order to streamline the processes that users carry out within the ad editor interface, version 1.3 has a more compact editing panel in which those groups of fields that are empty and repeated are hidden. In addition, this editing panel also hides those sections that may not be relevant to users, which is why they are not being used. For example, the App Settings section, located in the Campaigns section, will not show unless you have in-app campaigns running.
Finally, this version allows you to change the size and location of the editing panel by opening it in a new window.

To be able to see these and other new features of version 1.3 of the Google Ads editor, all you have to do is open the application or download the latest version from the Google Ads home page. Tell me if these changes actually improve your experience on the platform and what other changes you would like to see made.