7 Chrome extensions to improve your SEO
Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is important for anyone who wants to rank a site in the top results of Google.
The key to a good optimization is to recognize those important indicators, to determine how your site is performing. Likewise, it is advisable to see the need for change, to later make the appropriate adjustments, which will eventually improve the positioning of your page.
There are a variety of browser SEO extensions, offering keyword data, link data, and technical tips, highlighting indicators that are worth looking out for.
Due to the large number of SEO tools you can choose from, I present 7 free extensions for Chrome, which you can add to help improve your campaigns.
1. BuzzSumo
This SEO tool allows you to find the content that has been most shared on the web, on any subject. This Chrome extension provides you with information on how well a particular piece of content performs. In addition, with this tool you will be able to see the number of backlinks and interaction metrics that said content is generating online. Finally, you can use this extension to keep track of the performance of your competition's content so that you can have a global vision of which elements work and which do not.
2. SEO Quake
Although this extension has a basic package of tools, it is one of the few that is sponsored by the major browsers, including Safari and Opera. SEO Quake works with search engine results and provides information about a website, such as: An estimate of the number of backlinks, its position in the Alexa ranking, its creation date and other information about the property. of the same.
Another feature of this tool is that with it you can export data from the SERPs in CVS format, which allows you to obtain information that is easy to analyze.
3. Keywords Everywhere
This is one of the most popular tools for SEO. Keywords Everywhere is great for anyone interested in searching for keyword information, and it kicks in when you Google a word in the search engine. This extension has an option, which allows you to generate another list of keywords from the ones you already have. Additionally, this tool can export the listings of the keywords you want. In addition, with Keywords Everywhere you can obtain information directly within Google, without the need to use another tool in particular. This saves you time and makes it easier for you to analyze the information you are looking for.
4. Ninja Outreach
This is a powerful prospecting tool used by many bloggers to extract essential data from a certain website. Like many other browser extensions, this tool provides you with the full name of the owner of a certain website, as well as the count of his followers on social networks, his position in the Alexa ranking, the owner's email address, the domain and backlinks. This extension also displays links to important pages, reviews, resources, and contacts within a website.
5. Redirect Path
This tool shows the history of all redirects that a site has made, exposing from the first to the last URL. It also groups HTTP status codes, client-side redirects, and Meta redirects, showing possible hidden issues. Also, Redirect Path displays HTTP headers, server types, and the IP addresses of a particular website.
6. SEO Minion
This is another free extension for browsers, which can search for broken links within your website and those of your competition. With this tool you will be able to break down the hreflang data, which facilitates the translation of your content into other languages. Finally, SEO Minion also generates data for the SEO of your own page.
7. Fatrank
Many website owners focus on ranking high in search engines, so this tool gives you a simple solution so you can keep track of your rankings. To use this plugin, you just have to locate yourself within your site, go to the Fatrank extension and type the name of your page to see how it is in the ranking. If your site is within the first 100 places, this application will give you the exact position of it, instantly.
SEO campaigns are part of every webmaster's marketing strategy. In the past, it was more difficult to optimize a website to rank at the top of search engines. However, with the advent of browser extensions, SEO campaigns have become much easier. Try any of these 7 extensions for browsers and improve the positioning of your pages on the web.