Google Optimize: Manage and measure experiments
With the increase in the amount of interactions that users make on the web, it is essential that your site is optimized to capture the attention of your target segment. One of the main ways to improve the performance of your pages is to perform A / B tests or "A / B testing", regarding what your users do when they enter your site.
Controlling these tests can become a challenge since managing several experiments simultaneously and at different times can complicate the process of obtaining information. For this reason I bring you some news about "Google Optimize" so that you can better measure the behavior of your audiences.
1 - Notifications in your email
Now you can receive notifications in your mailbox every time an important event occurs in your experiments. In this way you will know when they start working, when they finish and what was the result of these tests.
With this novelty you can keep track of your campaigns directly from your cell phone. In the same way, you can activate and deactivate these notifications whenever you want, or only use them for certain experiments.

2 - Get better reports in Analytics
By conducting experiments you can understand the behavior of your website users and determine how this affects your business. In order to help you in this task Google has created a new dimension in Analytics that combines your "Experiment ID" with a "variable". This variable would be a specific interaction of the users on your site. With this event measurement you will be able to carry out more in-depth analysis of your tests.

Now that the information from your tests is gathered into a single dimension, you can create a segment in Analytics with a single click. By performing this step, you will be able to add this information to your Analytics report and determine if, for example, variable A had a better impact than variable B in terms of revenue per user.
In the case that you use "Optimize 360" you can also create audiences from the segment created, to later reach these users through remarketing campaigns or with segmented experiences on your website.

3 - Schedule your experiments
If you want to launch your experiment within a certain time slot or that it is active during specific dates, now you can achieve it without having to be present at its start. This is very useful when you have discount campaigns or special dates, with a pre-established start and end. In addition, the Google Optimize application will begin to measure the events you created in the range you want, by scheduling your experiments in advance. Finally, and as with the notifications you receive by mail, you can request alerts with the confirmation that your experiment is running, as you programmed it.
I hope these news help you get the most out of Google Optimize and allow you to better understand the behavior of your audience. If you have not yet tried these new dimensions, I recommend that you take a look at them and write me in the comments what your experience was.