SEO Mistakes 101: Title Tag Written For SEO Instead Of Visitors
One of the most common mistakes made by many SEO "professionals" is not knowing how to "sell the click" with the titles of their web pages, the Title tag is not just a ...
November 11, 2009SEO Errors 101: Keywords Identified But Not Tested
Web positioning and PPC go hand in hand and complement each other, not knowing how to use PPC programs like Google Adwords to optimize our SEO campaigns ...
November 9, 2009Adwords Triangulation Method: Tactic for Google Adwords
If there is a company that never ceases to amaze me, it is Stompernet, the video above that you are going to see is from the series "Going Natural 3.0" that was released some time ago ...
November 9, 2009Apple fanaticism, 10 tattoos of the famous Manzanita
It's Sunday night and I was working on another Online Marketing project that hopefully you will find out in a short time, so today's article goes ...
November 8, 2009SEO 101: The importance of fresh content in web positioning
If there is something that we all pay a lot of importance to, it is link building, using our meta tags correctly and doing a good analysis of which keywords are going to serve us for ...
November 8, 2009