11 Tips to Improve the Relevance of Your Ads in AdWords

When running an AdWords search campaign, the CTR and relevance of the ad along with the quality of the landing page are the most important factors within the Quality Score. In this article we will talk about how to create relevant ads that allow you to perform better.

As we well know, the ads in AdWords consist of 5 visible lines:

  • Title with a maximum of 25 characters
  • Line 1 with a maximum of 35 characters
  • Text 2 with a maximum of 35 characters
  • Visible URL with a maximum of 35 characters
  • Callout extension

Let's tackle each factor to create a relevant ad:


  1. Within the wording of the title we must include one or more keywords, for example if we sell design software, that word can go in the title and with this create relevance between the search and the title. The idea is to maintain a "common thread" between the user's search, the content of our ad and the keyword that triggers the ad.
  1. Classify your titles according to the purchase cycle, a user who is in the information search phase is not the same as one who is ready to buy. Taking up the previous example, we can create an advertisement focused on giving information about the software:
  • Looking for Design Software?

Unlike a search focused on the sale where the title must contain this action, for example:

  • Buy Design Software
  • Get Design Software

Screenshot 2015-12-16 at 02.13.05Description line 1

  1. A good tip is to use a period at the end of your text, as this will cause the title and this line to appear together when our ad appears at the top of the search results.
  2. When highlighting any current promotion or discount, it is useful to use specific numbers, since it gives the user greater certainty of what they will find.
  1. When we have products with a fixed price we can use this line as a filter to avoid non-valuable clicks. Using the same example, our software has a price of 499 USD, this price can go in the text and with this we will filter some visits from users who are not willing to pay it.

Description line 2

  1. This line can be used as a closing of the sales pitch, as well as we can also highlight some unique quality of our product. Our imaginary software has the main advantage of having a lifetime license with one payment. This should go on our second description line.
  1. We must use a call to action to tell users what action we expect of them. This call to action should be appropriate to the phase of the user's purchase cycle. Example:
  • Lifetime license. Buy here.

Visible Url

  1. It is not necessary to use the www or the subdomain to which we will direct the user, with which we can save some characters that we will use to highlight relevant keywords:
  • com / XXXXX
  1. The visible Url has a lot of potential that often goes unnoticed, since we can customize it without the need for said page to actually exist on our site. The only requirement is that it contains exactly our domain name, after this we can adapt it to the relevant keywords.

Callout extension

  1. The callout extension allows us to include an additional line of text, very useful to highlight offers and benefits of our business. It is important to remember that punctuation marks or symbols cannot be used, just as we cannot repeat text that is already in our ad.
  1. It is important to use all ad extensions relevant to our business, as the AdWords system takes into account the expected impact of extensions within the Ad Ranking equation.

Finally, it is advisable to use different ad formulas, testing different benefits and current promotions until you find the most interesting one for your target audience. I hope these tips help you optimize your AdWords ads!


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