Adwords Editor: Formula Words
Adwords Editor is a tool that helps save a lot of time when you need to make both massive changes and small tweaks to an Adwords account, however most people do not properly exploit its full potential.
Formula Words is one of those functions that almost no one uses but that can save a lot of time, this function allows you to quickly find and replace text from an editable field with text from another editable field through the tool to replace text.
There are Formula Words for most of the editable fields in the Adwords Editor, here are some examples:
[campaign] - Campaign Text
[adgroup] - Ad Group Text
[keyword] - Keyword Text
[headline] - Title Text
[description1] - Description Line Text 1
[description2] - Description Line Text 2
[displayUrl] - Visible URL text
[destinationUrl] - Destination URL text
All very nice, but you are speaking to me in Chinese!
In simpler words, Formula Words allow us to keep our sanity by not having to type the same words over and over again, assuming that campaigns, ad groups and ads tend to have a common theme.
For example, if we sell pills of different colors, the most natural thing is that we have a different ad group for each pill color (red, blue, green, orange, etc.) and each ad group includes the word 'pill'.
While this example is simplified, imagine the terror of all the time it takes to modify hundreds of keywords and ad groups in one account.
However, just by applying the following Formula Word in the text replacement tool we can save a couple of curses.
The result is as follows:
There are Formula Words for just about everything, so with this technique you can also quickly create highly relevant text ads for the keywords in our ad groups, attractive display URLs and much more with just a couple of clicks.
And how much do you take advantage of the Adwords Editor? 😉