Google Adwords: Improved CPC

A couple of days ago while I was walking through the configuration data of a campaign I found an option that I thought I had not seen before and in fact I had never seen it because it is a new type of bidding, it is the Enhanced CPC or Enhanced CPC.

After Googling a bit I came across this article: Increase ROI & Conversions with Enhanced.

How does it work?

Basically the improved CPC recognizes which keywords are the ones that bring the most conversions to your campaign and tries to get more exposure for them at the times of the day when the system determines that they have better performance.

If, for example, we are paying a maximum CPC of $0.30, the system can dynamically raise or lower our offer to try to obtain the highest number of conversions at the lowest possible cost.

Some of the factors that the Enhanced CPC takes into account

Recognize the searches and content network sites that previously worked best for you in determining CPC.

- Recognize specific words within search queries that achieve good conversions to adjust the CPC according to the probabilities of obtaining a conversion.

- Detects attributes such as browser, location, language, etc. of the user and analyze if the attributes contribute to obtain a conversion.

Sounds great to me! But what do I need to use Enhanced CPC?

All we need is to activate the conversion tracking and then go to the campaign settings tab.

My personal experience

I've already tried Enhanced CPC on a campaign and I'm really seeing big changes in cost per conversion (I improved the CPA more than 50%!)That test campaign went so well that I am going to test this new bidding option on other accounts to see if similar results can be achieved.

To say goodbye, I leave you a Google video in English about Enhanced CPC

And what experience do you have with the Enhanced CPC? 😉

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