Google Adwords: Mobile and Video Ad Formats

In recent days I was helping two co-workers to prepare for the GAP (Google Advertising Professional) exam and after passing the exam they both told me that their biggest problem was with the questions about formats and standards for Mobile and Video ads.

It is quite possible that many more people have this difficulty as most of us are more used to working with text and banner ads on a day-to-day basis.

Answering these questions correctly can mean getting a very good GPA above 90% or in the worst case, helping us to at least pass the exam.

Pay attention and learn the following data because they can be very useful when taking the GAP.

Mobile Ad Formats

Acceptable file formats are: .gif, .jpg, or .png.
MMA Compatible Banner Sizes
300 × 50 (up to 7.5KB)

216 x 36 (up to 4.5KB)

168 x 28 (up to 3KB)

300 x 75 (up to 7.5KB)

216 x 54 (up to 4.5KB)

168 x 42 (up to 3KB)

Compatible sizes for iPhones and other mobiles with full browsers

300 x 50

200 x 200

250 x 250


You can see more information at the following link: Mobile Ad Formats

Video Ad Formats

Click-to-Play Video Ad Sizes:

– 300×250

– 336×280

The content of video ads may not contain

- Material designed for people over 18 years old.

- Sex themes for adults.

- Crude, offensive or indecent language.

Opening Image Requirements

Size of 50KB or less.

JPEG, .PNG, or .GIF format.

- The images will be resized to 300 × 250, 336 × 280.

Video Requirements

- Size 75MB or less.

- Maximum duration of 2 minutes.

- Minimum of 14 frames per second (ideal 30 FPS)

You don't need to upload separate video files for each ad type, but Google automatically resizes the file to fit the two sizes.

If you are thinking of taking the GAP Fundamentals exam, I offer consultancy where you can ask me your questions and I can guide you on how to prepare for the exam. You can contact me by following the link below: Contact Form

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