Google Adwords: Types of Quality Score

The Quality Score (quality level) goes far beyond the visible number at the keyword level that is generally used as a reference, there are different types of Quality Score at different levels of an Adwords account.

So now we will see the different types of Quality Score:

1) Account Level

The Quality Score (quality level) at the account level is the result of the historical performance of our campaigns. While Google does not confirm the existence of this type of Quality Score, it is a generally accepted topic among seasoned professionals.

If you have a large number of keywords with low Quality Score and ads with low CTR and poor performance, this will reduce the total Quality Score at the account level and make it more difficult to introduce new keywords to the account, since they will start with an average Quality Score under.

An account with a long history of good performance usually performs better than a new account. It can take several weeks or even months to correct an account with a history of poor performance after making the necessary changes to improve the Quality Score.

2) Ad Group Level

This type of Quality Score is more than anything a way to determine which Ad Groups require more work.

If you have an ad group whose keywords average a 7 quality score and another group whose average is 4, you get a clear view of where to start optimizing.

In these cases, restructuring ad groups and editing low-CTR ads help improve the Quality Score.

3) Keywords Level

This is the Quality Score that is visible from the Google Adwords interface, this data has values on a scale of 1 to 10.

This score is calculated each time a user performs a search that activates the keyword, the final number that we see is an average of all the quality levels reached by said keyword.

It is important to note that the Quality Score that we see when adding a new keyword is based on the historical performance of that keyword within the search engine, that is, this quality level is not the actual quality level of the word. key in our account but to the historical average of that keyword in Google.

We only got to see the actual Quality Score of said keyword for our account after having accumulated a significant amount of impressions. (Typically several thousand impressions).

4) Ads Level

Ads within an Ad Group will typically have different CTRs, it is important to pause the worst performing ads as Adwords takes all ads within the Ad Group into account when calculating the quality score for a given search.

The Quality Score is also a factor that determines whether ad extensions, such as Sitelinks, will be shown.

So having ads with good CTR and competitive CPC bids helps you to rank high and show Sitelinks.

5) Landing Page Level

Another important factor in the Quality Score is the quality of the landing page that our ads direct to.

The following should be taken into account with any Landing Page that we use:

- Relevant and original content

- Transparency

- Navigability

Google does not specify if there is a specific type of Quality Score for each landing page, but without a doubt the quality of the landing page affects the Quality Score of the keywords.

6) Display Network

The Quality Score on the Display Network is measured somewhat differently than the Quality Score on the Search Network. While the relevance of your ads and keywords is still a big factor, the performance of the ad is also taken into account for the site where it is displayed and the other sites of similar categories.

Ad testing is very important, as image ads may work better on some sites and text ads on another site, thereby improving the quality score for the Display Network.

The Display Network is a totally different network than the Search Network, so separating the ads for each network into different campaigns helps a lot to improve the overall quality score for both.

Taking into account the different types of Quality Score and the factors related to each one, we can have a better idea of how to optimize our different campaigns to obtain the desired results.

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