Google Tag Manager

One of the frequent annoyances is dealing with the implementation of the different tags or tags to be able to track conversions, generate the cookie pool for the remarketing list, etc.

To facilitate this task Google developed the tool Tag Manager o Tag Manager in English, from which we can manage all the tags that we use from a single platform and without the need to modify the source code of our websites manually.

How does the Tag Manager work?

This tool works through a single label, which they call a container fragment, which will be used to manage the rest of the labels that we use from the Label Manager.

The container snippet should be implemented on all pages of the website, similar to Google Analytics or Remarketing tags.

The most important benefit is the ease with which the different tags that we use on the website can be managed without the need to resort to a programmer or directly touch the source code, which considerably reduces implementation time and decreases the possibility of mistakes.

It sounds great, but what do I do now?

1) To start we need to create an account at

2) Create a container snippet and deploy it on all website pages.

3) Map the website, thinking about the pages in which each tag that we will use in it should be activated.

4) Create the labels, rules, etc. according to the mapping that we previously carried out.

5) Test the changes with the tool Debugging and Preview

6) Activate the changes made and remove all the tags that we used previously on the website. Voilà!

Clearly Google is increasingly looking to integrate its various products into a single platform and with the Tag Manager it really helps to simplify the work to be done a lot.

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