Remarketing for Search is out of beta!

Google just announced today through the Adwords official blog Remarketing lists for search ads will be available in the next few days to all advertisers using advanced campaigns.

Personally I have mixed feelings with the "Advanced" campaigns, on the one hand advertisers lose a lot of freedom and flexibility in the way of managing our campaigns, especially in the field of targeting by devices, but on the other many great tools will emerge over time to this new type of campaign.

In the case of Remarketing for Search, we will basically have the ability to offer personalized bids on the search network for users who have previously visited our website.

This offers two main benefits:

1) We can increase the visibility of our ads for high-value users, in the case that we offer products / services of different value we can offer higher CPCs for users who visited the pages of our website corresponding to the products / services of higher level or cost.

2) The possibility of obtaining better returns on generic keywords is also interesting.

Normally it is difficult to have good results with very generic keywords since the search intention is very broad, however if we use Remarketing to show ads only to users who were previously interested in our products and services, we can make better use of these words. key since we will be filtering all searches with an intention not very relevant to our business.

But ... does it really work?

Remarketing for Search was in beta for various ads in Europe for several months, according to Google studies the results were quite positive.

For example, Tirendo (a European car tire retailer) saw a 161% increase in the conversion rate of its Search Remarketing ads with a lower CPA 43%.

COOL! But how do I implement it?

According to the Google announcement, Remarketing for Search shares the same tag and list management tool as Remarketing for the Display Network, so this option can be used immediately if you already have Remarketing lists in your account.

Personally, as soon as Search Remarketing is available to all advertisers, I will test it with my clients, since I am sure it will be a very useful tool to improve return on investment!


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