Remarketing comes to the Search Network! (Beta)

search network remarketingAccording Search Engine Watch, Google has just launched a BETA version of its already famous Remarketing tool, but this time oriented for the Search Network.


Remarketing, as we knew it until now, worked only for the Display Network, it is a targeting option through which we can show personalized ads to lists of users who have previously visited our website or a specific section of it.

For example, a travel agency that offers package tours can create remarketing lists for users who have shown interest in a specific destination and then show them ads on the Display Network related to those destinations.

Google recently announced Remarketing for the Search Network, which aims to bring the benefits of Remarketing to search results.

The idea is to be able to show text ads written especially for users who have previously visited our website.
Example: If a user who has previously visited our website and is searching Google for services or products that we offer, we may show text ads with special offers or discounts.

Although very few users were still able to put a hand on this new option, some of the benefits of using Remarketing for Search could be:

1) Maximize the relevance of your ads: Remarketing for Search would allow us to improve the relevance of our ads to users who have previously visited our website or a specific section of it.

2) Increase the value associated with a click: A user familiar with our brand has a greater chance of making a contact, purchase or any other type of desired conversion.

3) Best landing page selection: By knowing that the user already has prior knowledge about our brand and also knowing the pages that the user has previously visited on our website, we can redirect the ads to much more relevant landing pages to create a personalized experience.

Remarketing is a strategy that has proven to provide great results previously, however the rules that will be applied for Remarketing in the Search Network are still not very clear, since given the nature of both networks, certain restrictions will surely be necessary to preserve the quality of search results on Google.

Needless to say, as soon as I can get my hands on this new orientation option, I'm going to take tests and write my experiences 😉

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