5 WordPress Plugins I Can't Live Without

This article doesn't have much to do with Online Marketing, but I'm a fan of wordpress so here is a list (besides that we all love lists) of 5 plugins for WordPress that at least I find essential when I launch a new project.

1) All In One SEO Pack: Basically it is in charge of facilitating all the tedious and repetitive SEO tasks, if we are new users we can install it and leave it as is and if we are advanced users we can modify everything.

Some of its characteristics are:

- Canonical URL: Which means that it alerts search engine robots when we intentionally create duplicate content, for example putting the same article in two different categories ... this avoids many headaches and penalties 😀

- Automatically generate Meta Tags

- Optimize titles for search engines

- Provide SEO integration for WordPress based Ecommerce sites

We download it from here: Download All in One SEO Pack

2) Yet Another Related Post Plugin: As its name indicates, this plugin creates a list of related articles at the end of each entry, it has different options to choose from that we want you to consider to determine that one article is related to another (title, content, tags, category, etc.) and its algorithm is very versatile.

Having a related articles plugin really helps a lot to keep a visitor on our site / blog for longer.

You can download it here: Download YARPP

3) Add To Any: This plugin inserts a button at the end, at the beginning or wherever we paste the code on our blog so that with a couple of clicks our visitors can share our articles on their favorite social networks (facebook, twitter, etc) or by email.

They get it here: AddtoAny - Share / Bookmark Button

4) Commentluv: This plugin is quite interesting since it visits the blog of the author of the comment and allows him to choose the URL of one of his last entries to include it at the end of the comment, this helps to encourage people to comment and, incidentally, allows us to know interesting articles related to our topics.

It is downloaded from here: Download Commentluv

5) What would Seth Godin Do ?: Surely you've heard this name more than once, Seth Godin is the founder of Squidoo and the writer of several books on Online Marketing and his famous blog.

In one of his articles he wrote this: «An opportunity that is not taken advantage of is the possibility of using cookies to differentiate new users from regular users. It involves more work up front, but it offers the possibility of providing different experiences to different kinds of people.

Inspired by this article, Richard Miller created the "What would Seth Godin do?" Plugin. (What would Seth Godin do?), With which we can differentiate recurring users from new users to offer different options or messages. The box that the plugin creates can be used above or below its inputs (surely you have already noticed that I use mine above).

You can configure the number of times a user must return to consider it recurring and several other options, a plugin definitely VERY USEFUL and with thousands of possible uses.

They get it from here: Download What would Seth Godin do?

And you? what are your essential plugins? 😉

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