SEO: What can we learn from dinosaurs?

web positioning and dinosaurs

Not long ago it became fashionable to say that "SEO is dead" mainly for two reasons:

TO) The inclusion of results in real time and the increasingly better results customization options, saying that we are in the first position of the SERP is no longer a universal truth, but varies according to the options and preferences of each user.

Although this is not yet so accentuated and the customization tools are not yet widely used, we can expect that throughout 2010 this trend will increase..

B) Search engines are no longer the "stupid kids" they used to be years ago, we can't fool them like they used to with a couple of links bought from anywhere or the unethical SEO techniques of yesteryear, even sometimes they even seem to read our mind.

Let's be honest, hundreds of the best engineers in the world in different scientific branches are working every day to make the first positions belong to those who deserve it and not to those who know more "tricks", you better leave the dark side of the strength SEO and move to the light side before it's too late.

I think we can learn a lot from evolution and nature in this regard, and now comes a rather interesting question: Are dinosaurs extinct?

The answer is: "yes and no", although the gigantic reptiles like the T-Rex and the brontosaurus no longer exist, they have offspring everywhere: birds, turtles, iguanas, crocodiles, etc.

Currently the world is dominated by mammals (we have representatives even in the ocean) but in any case the descendants of reptiles continue to play a very important role in the ecosystem even though they are no longer the dominant ones.

The same can be transferred to web positioning, in the Jurassic Internet, size (density of keywords, number of links, etc.) mattered more and "intelligence" (relevance and usefulness of content) was lessThat is why those "giant reptiles" of SEO predominated.

However, now the Internet is rapidly entering a more modern period and the ecosystem is becoming more complex, the only thing left for us is to adapt ... And that's perfect, evolution cannot and should not be stopped by personal whims.

You can no longer live from a single resource (organic positioning), but one as a professional must evolve and seek utility from each of the resources that are added to our ecosystem ... this is no longer optional, it is a MUST to survive.

Let's learn from dinosaurs, let's adapt to our new role on the Internet and let's not leave aside the mammals that are here to stay.

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