WebCEO: How to Analyze Search Engine Positions
This is the first tutorial on how to use WebCEO, in this case we are going to see how we can analyze our current positions for the keywords that interest us in 5 simple steps.
5 Simple Steps to Analyze Your Positions in Search Engines
1) We select the option «Check Rankings» from the column «Analyze Your Site»

2) We choose the project we want to work with, we can choose to open the last project we worked with or choose a project from a list.

3) We choose the search engines of our interest, the major search engines are segmented by countries and search types (word wide, by language and by country) ... In this case I choose Google Argentina and the three types of search.

4) We choose the keywords of our interest, we can add the keywords by importing them from an external text file, from the Meta Keywords of the site or writing them by hand, in this case I am simply going to add my name manually:

We write one keyword per line, a very useful tool for when we use a large number of keywords is to mark them by color or with a bullet to denote the most important or give them a hierarchy of importance:

5) We click on «Start» and Voilá! we can see our positions for the different keywords in the different search engines.

Then we have more advanced options to see the history of the positions of our keywords, this is especially useful to have all our ranking achievements well organized.
Following the same steps in the "Competitor's Ranking" tab, we can also see the positions of our competition and over time create a history of their evolution.
An extremely useful tool to organize all the necessary information in one place.