Creating Filters in Google Analytics
Google Analytics filters are very useful to facilitate the task of analysis and give users access only to those data that are relevant to them. In this article…
December 30, 2015Defining your KPIs in Google Analytics
Google Analytics offers an intuitive platform but which in turn can be somewhat overwhelming to new users, since we can access all kinds of reports, either to find out about ...
November 23, 2015Google Analytics: How to know if you need a website optimized for mobile
A recurring theme in recent months when consulting for companies of all sizes is the high percentage of traffic originating from mobile devices that many of them have, ...
January 19, 2015Google Partners adds Analytics Certification
These days I could hardly keep up with the news as I am recording some SEO and SEM courses for, which is consuming practically all my available time. I…
September 25, 2014Google Analytics: 4 examples of Content Grouping
Google Analytics presents us with a tool that allows us to group content from a website or app in order to obtain metrics for each group. This is especially useful when there are vast amounts of ...
March 17, 2014