6 Tweets Away
A few days ago something happened to me that I had not thought I was going to achieve thanks to Twitter, in the purest style of the 6 degrees of separation theory, which postulates that all ...
April 11, 2011How does Google position the Results in Real Time?
All the blogs on SEO have already speculated a lot about the results in real time that Google incorporates from social networks like Twitter, however there is a good question ...
January 13, 2010Twitter: Automated messages help you meet your goal?
Although one of the tools that make Online Marketing profitable and completely differentiates it from other types of Marketing is the capacity for large-scale customization that ...
January 10, 20103 Factors why they don't follow you back on Twitter
Although I have not used Twitter for professional purposes for a long time, there is a trend that I see very often and the worst thing is that it even occurs among people who are looking for contacts ...
December 29, 2009Generate content and ideas with Twitter
I have not been a Twitter user for a long time and yet I have already found countless useful uses for both personal and professional. If there is a common ...
December 14, 2009